Seminare rund um die Spiegel
Wissen, Erfahrung und Austausch

Seminars with Biophoton Realignment Mirrors

Basic Seminars take place on a weekend (14-16 hours). To ensure quality, the number of participants is limited to 15 people. During the seminars 2-3 experienced mediators of the method are present.

These mediators were selected by Renzo Celani and are entitled to pass on the technique developed by him.

The user needs to have a test method for the correct "mirror finding". This can be kinesiology, electroacupuncture, tensor or similar.

Partial treatments are carried out in the basic seminars. These seminars should serve to make the handling of the mirrors understandable.

Seminar contents are:

  • Introduction to the Biophoton Realignment Mirror technique, theoretical part
  • Learning the Kinesiological Muscle Test
  • Dealing with the mirrors with their own mirror applications and finding the right mirror

for some it is a "Taster course", for others a "Crazy day". Renzo and at least one mediator accompany these days. Patients, therapists and interested people with or without previous knowledge are welcome here.

On this day, all the techniques that have been discovered or developed by mirror therapists through their daily work can be used. It is carried out in an informal setting. Each Taster day is as unique as any patient, so there is no script or program.

Through open contact with each other, new insights are gained on these days for everyone.

The Taster day does not replace the Basic seminar.

The working groups should serve for practicing and exchanging experiences, experimenting and discussing case studies.

Everyone has the opportunity to give and receive deep treatments during this day.

We have various test substances and remedies, a whole-body plate, many small signal amplifiers and other working materials available.

If available, please bring your own mirrors sets with you.

The working group does not replace the basic seminar.

Light-Kinesiology seminars

The basic day is the prerequisite for participation in the Light-Kinesiology 1 course. In addition to the basics of working with the mirrors, we convey on this day the muscle test we use for the correct "mirror finding" and work in Light-Kinesiology.

To ensure quality, the number of participants is limited to 15 people.

During the seminars, 2 experienced mediators of the method are present. These seminars should serve to make the handling of the mirrors understandable and to facilitate the participation in the courses LK 1 and LK 2.

Seminar contents are:

  • Introduction to the Biophoton Realignment Mirror technique, theoretical part
  • Learning the Kinesiological Muscle Test
  • Dealing with the mirrors with their own mirror applications and finding the right mirror

The LK seminars take place on a 2-day course. (That's about 14-16 hours) To ensure the quality, the number of participants is limited to a maximum of 15 people.

We use the kinesiological muscle test we have been taught to investigate where blockages, mental or physical stress, toxins of various kinds, sabotage programs or the like can be found. We work almost exclusively in the light body of the human, i.e.  in the energy field of the patient. The blockages, whether mental or physical, are directly resolved or diminished. Reducing the burden of electrosmog plays a very important role in resolutions.

Biophoton realigning mirrors are an essential tool in Light-Kinesiology.
Attending a "Mirror Basic Seminar" is recommended prior to participation, but is not a requirement. But it makes it easier to follow the very intensive and extensive subject matter of the seminar.

Seminar contents are:

  • Mediation and practical exercises for muscle testing, 
  • finding blockages in the regulation,
  • the direct treatment of the blockages found.
  • introduction to Biophoton Realignment Mirror Handling,
  • treatment procedure and sequence of light kinesiology.

After the first seminar, it is possible to integrate the method directly into everyday practice.

The LK 2 seminar is aimed at users who have already attended a Light-Kinesiology 1 seminar. It's about this weekend to repeat and deepen the first part of the treatment process and to convey the second part of the process. 

New insights and possibilities are exchanged and an effective way is given to reduce stress in the simplest possible way in the patient's regulative system. 

Seminar contents are for example:

  • the muscle test,
  • repetition of the first part of treatment,
  • mediation of the second part treatment procedure,
  • working with structural, parasites and pathogens,
  • Aura Acupuncture,
  • Dental Obstacles and Dental Chart,
  • work with the signal amplifier boards,
  • spotting toxins, microbes and other harmful substances,
  • and much more…

Everyone has the opportunity during this day or weekend to practice the previously learned course of treatment and to clarify open questions. 

We have various test substances and remedies, small signal amplifiers as well as all necessary working material available. The own mirrors, if available, please bring. 

The practice days are intended for those who have already participated a Light-Kinesiology 1 seminar.

Practice Weekend

Date: 21.09.2024 bis 22.09.2024

Address: Praxis für Lichtkinesiologie, Luttenried at 87663 Bayern - Lengenwang, Deutschland
Costs: 380 Euro

Bezüglich Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten wendet euch gerne per email an uns.

Seminarbeginn ist am Samstag um 10 Uhr, das Seminar endet am Sonntag gegen 17 Uhr.

Das Mittagessen ist inclusive an Samstag und Sonntag, Snacks und Getränke sind inclusive an jedem Seminartag.

Seminar booking

Lichtkinesiologie Basisseminar

Date: 11.10.2024 bis 13.10.2024

Address: Praxis für Lichtkinesiologie, Luttenried at 87663 Lengenwang, Deutschland
Costs: 860 Euro

Seminarbeginn ist am Freitag um 13 Uhr und am Wochenende jeweils um 10 Uhr. Snacks, Getränke und MIttagessen sind inclusive.

Übernachtungsmögichkeiten sind gut zu finden auf:
Pension Heim in Seeg
Pension Gast in Lengenwang

Seminar booking

Lichtkinesiologie Aufbauseminar

Date: 08.11.2024 bis 10.11.2024

Address: Praxis für Lichtkinesiologie, Luttenried 6 at 87663 Lengenwang, Deutschland
Costs: 860 Euro

Seminarbeginn ist am Freitag um 13 Uhr und am Wochenende jeweils um 10 Uhr.  Snacks, Getränke und MIttagessen sind inclusive.

Übernachtungsmögichkeiten sind gut zu finden auf:

Pension Heim in Seeg
Pension Gast in Lengenwang

Seminar booking

Practice Weekend

Date: 16.11.2024 bis 17.11.2024

Address: Praxis für Lichtkinesiologie, Luttenried 6 at 87663 Lengenwang, Deutschland
Costs: 380 Euro

Bezüglich Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten wendet euch gerne per email an uns.

Seminarbeginn ist am Samstag um 10 Uhr, das Seminar endet am Sonntag gegen 17 Uhr.

Das Mittagessen ist inclusive an Samstag und Sonntag, Snacks und Getränke sind inclusive an jedem Seminartag.

Seminar booking